Saturday, September 17, 2011

Prank Time!

Well, the boys decided to have a guys night and be nerds and play Magic. LAME! This obviously did not sit well with me. I was bored out of my mind. Careena was babysitting so I was all alone! When Careena got done babysitting, we chatted for a while. We then decided that we wanted to kick off her birthday by doing something crazy! And we were angry at the boys, so we decided to saran wrap all of their cars. We left our house at like one in the morning to go to Papio to get their cars. It was rainy and miserable out. It was a little harder to saran wrap a wet car, but it still worked! We weren't mean. We didn't do too much wrapping. Here are the results:
This is the sign we made so they would know why it was done to them.
Kyles car.
James truck.
Lorins car.
Success. :)

Story time!!!

So, the boys never ever said anything to us. And it was driving us crazy. We were scared they were going to get us back. We were prepared. We paid so much attention to everything they did. We did not want to miss them getting us back.
Fast forward a few weeks.
We're driving to Idaho. We're bored. Kyle wants to look at all my pictures on my phone. Kyle gets to the saran wrapped cars.

Kyle: What? What is this??
Me: umm.... that's from when we saran wrapped your cars a few weeks ago....... it was us..... i was hoping you wouldn't find out...
Kyle: what are you talking about?
Me: what do you mean what am i talking about?
Kyle: ....... ummmm....... our cars were never saran wrapped..... when did you do this?
Me: that night you played magic at ryans.
Kyle: ..... no...... you didn't.....
Me: yes we did! What are you saying kyle?!?!?!
Kyle: you never saran wrapped our cars....

Apparently, they never saw the saran wrap.... We think that someone walking by cleaned it up for them. (yeah, Ryans neighborhood is weird.... people walk their dogs at like three in the morning.... we saw a few people out for walks while we were down there)
The boys did not believe us that we saran wrapped their cars. There was a lot of zooming in the pictures and trying to see details. They thought perhaps we had gotten the wrong cars... But that really isn't possible.. unless three cars that look exactly like theirs happened to be in front of Ryans house that night... and they parked elsewhere. They finally believe that we did it. And now they will not let me live it down that our prank failed. They think I'm bad luck.

Secret? I think they are playing a joke on us and that they all decided to play dumb..... yeah. we still talk about it occassionally. They still say they never saw it...

1 comment:

Phil and Cami said...

I am bad at leaving you comments. I am tired when iread your blog. And I already heard these stories. I still really like reading them though. It makes me happy. I miss you. You are my best friend....which is why I already heard these stories. Oh, and I Facebook stalk you at strange hours ofnthe night. True story. I love you!