Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blood Drive!

Me and Katie.
Well, I had the most amazing experience when I donated blood for the first time. We went at 4:30. And I didn't leave until almost 7!!! It took so long to get through the line! Once I finally got into a chair, I sat there for ever!!!! She had a left arm chair open, and I was next, I didn't think I should get it drawn from my left arm, so I showed her my arms, and she said it was fine. So I sat in the leftie chair. She pumped up the cuff and left it and made me squeeze the ball. I was prolly sitting in the chair for at least a half an hour. When she finally got to me, she started marking my veins. She couldn't really find them. Once again, I asked her if it really was ok doing it on my left arm. She said yes. She got everthing hooked up and was about to stick the needle in. She FINALLY realized my right arm would be better. [After I asked her at least five times.] So she switched me over to the right handed chair. She marked my veins much easier on this arm. So, she stuck the needle in, and couldn't find my vein! She dug around in it for a while. After a bit, she called someone over to check and see if it was in the vein. She then dug around for a while. They then came to the conclusion that my veins are just too small to take blood. So I told them I was done. They said they hoped this wouldn't discourage me from coming back again! ummmm.... YES it discouraged me!!!!! Perhaps I will just go to Las Vegas to the GOOD people that Cami goes to now!!!

Double Date Night!!! =)

Winners: Porter and Calli with 250 points. Losers: Joe and Katie with 122 points.
getting ketchup and napkins for a stranger in the food court.
looking in a mirror
Holding hands with each other in the mall.
Porter and I had a balloon fight. It was dangerous.
At Sammy's.
Joe, Katie, Porter, Me.
Trying to hide behind a tree or bush.
Manneqins in a window.
"Trying on" an orange tie.
Trying on an ugly prom dress. Also wearing sunglasses. Points for the ugliest.
Holding hands with a cute boy.
In an elevator.
Spelling out YMCA.
Holding hands walking through the mall.
Wearing cowboy hats.
Dance Party in the middle of the street.
End of my date. Kendrick is my fake date. Walmart game.
Riding a Tricyle.
Kendrick Pumping iron! ow ow!!!
Doing the wave.

Porter with helium.

Joe with helium.

So, Katie had yet to go on a date. So I decided we were going to go on one. So we went through the guys in our ward and decided who we wanted to take. We planned the date and were very excited! I made a huge list of what we could do on the date. We decided a scavenger hunt. We looked through a bunch of scavenger hunts online. We liked one where we didn't have to actually gather things. We just had to take pictures with different things. It was so much fun! Porter and I got all but like 3 of them. We rocked! And totally won!!! After the scavenger hunt, we took them to Sammy's. It was deliscious! Porter and I shared a Banana Cream Pie Shake. It was so good!!!!!! Before we left, we had a dance party. We took Porter back to his home because he had to study. We recruited Kendrick to be my fake date for the rest of the night. We went to Walmart and played the A-Z game. There are two teams. Each team picks out an item for each letter of the alphabet. Then you switch carts and the other team has to put it all back! It's really difficult!!! But, Kendrick and I got bored and just started playing around. We dropped Kendrick off and talked for a looooooong time..... And then Katie realized she lost her keys. We searched everywhere. So I gave her the keys to my room. I let her sleep in my bed for a few hours until Cebre woke up. Joe and I talked until 8:30 in the morning! I went in and woke Katie up. We went and talked to Cebre. And guess what? Our janitor took our master key. So we walk over to the Cannon center to get a key. They don't open until 1 on Sundays!!!! All of our things were in Katie's room because I practically live in there. So we watched a movie instead of going to church. And eventually fell asleep. Can you believe Katie and I both fit on the bed?! Comfortably I might add! Well. Around 5, we went to go get an extra key. And since we were there, we decided to eat because we didn't want vending machine food once again. So, We start walking there, and half our ward walks in! So we run out and check the mail, hoping they will be in by the time we get back. We hid until they all got in and then went in. We tried to avoid them. But Jon caught us. We ran away and sat in a corner by ourselves. We were so embarrassed by how we looked! After dinner, we went back to our room. And find Katies keys in the lock!!!! WHAT THE HECK!?!?! We have no idea how the happened. But anyways. We are just chilling in our room and Joe comes over. We watched youtube videos for a while and after getting kicked out for having a boy in our room, we left and played phase ten. And that is the end of the weekend!!! =)

Friday night fun!!

free concert at sammy's
Me, Katie, Kelsee
Me and Katie
Free concert
On Friday night, Kelsee, a friend of Katie's on the summer ballroom dance team, took us out for a few hours. We went to P.F. Changs and then went to Sammy's. Sammy's is this tiny little diner like place. They are known for their famous pie shakes. They literally take a piece of pie and put it in the blender! They are so delicious. Well, every Friday night, Sammy's hosts free concerts. They also serve free ice cream cones. It was way fun. We then just went to Kelsee's house and sat around and talked. When we got back, Katie took a nap and I went with Mark to Wendy's. Joe was on a date. Around midnight, Joe called and was ready to go watch a movie. So, I went and got Katie and we were off. We went to this GORGEOUS place! It was like on the top of a mountain. You could look out and see the whole city. It was so pretty. And there was an amazing view of the temple. After like ten minutes, we finally decided on a movie, 7 pounds. We got all comfortable and popped open the box. It was gone!!!! So, we settled on Madagascar 2. It was pretty funny. But Joe fell asleep and was not ok to drive home. So Katie had to drive because I didn't have my liscence. So we got home and crashed!!

Monday, July 27, 2009


So, I have so much to say. But unfortunatly, my computer has decided that it hates me and it won't accept my memory card anymore. So, until I can figure out how to fix it, my blog will be postponed. if you have any suggestions. please tell!

Friday, July 24, 2009

CAMP OUT!!!!! =)

Joe lighting the fiiiiiirrre!!!
the booze.
me and the lovely beautiful katie.
Joe fell asleep.
Katie fell asleep too.
katie, joe, and keith sleeping still.
I LOVE nature!!
CHUBBY BUNNY!!!! Joe: 5 mallows
Eric: 5 mallows
Katie: 4 mallows
introducin the WINNER!! with Calli: 3 1/2 mallows! =)
eric eating starbursts off the stick.
Here's the real winner. Keith: 6 MALLOWS!!! WHOA BABY!!!!
joe and katie. phase ten.
keith and joe
eric and calli. a.k.a. MWAH!!!!
me and joe
before we jumped in the lake. joe, katie, eric, calli, keith.
Katie jumping in.
Eric jumping in.
Katie hugged me.... =( it was cold. and I REALLY didn't want to jump in!!
joe back flopped... and it hurt. he claims it still hurts.
They finally talked me into going.... ugh...
Us jumping in.
All four of us before we jumped in.
All four of us after jumping in.
me and katie. we rule the world!!!!
keith made me take a picture before i jumped.
yay! i did it!!!
me and katie
me and keith. notice my hips are super far away. i already had hugged him and gotten him wet. as you can see on his pants. i didn't want to get him even more wet!
joe and eric
i LOVE the mountains!!!!!
After, me, katie, and joe went to a park and had a picnic! =)
we had a handstand competition.
us being monkeys.
Joe made us go to the dollar theatre!!!
Alright. So, on thursday night, we were off to go camping!!! we didn't get there until like eleven though. LONG story. we also lost more than half our group. So we ended up with just five of us. Which was SUPER fun!! We went to a place called Payson Lakes. When we got there, the only camp that was open was a double one. So we just decided to take it, because we had come all that way. We couldn't just leave!!! So, we set up camp. We used gasoline to make the fire. We just put the gas in and threw a napkin on fire in it. It exploded and was super awesome! after we set up camp, we roasted hotdogs and played a game, well, not a game. We just had a bunch of questions and each said our answer. It was super in depth and was great to get to know each other. Joe and Katie fell asleep, so we decided to just all go to sleep. Eric and I stayed up star gazing. The next morning, eric and I once again got up. while everyone was sleeping. After a few hours, we just started throwing stuff at them to wake them up. After they woke up, we played Chubby Bunny. Then phase ten. After packing up, we went to the lake. They had this dock, that was like 10 feet out of the water. So we all jumped out. I really didn't want to do because i hate heights and water. But they talked me into it, and it was so much fun! after that, we drove back. Then me, katie and joe went to a park and had a picknik. We swung on the swings. and had a hand stand competition. On our way back, Joe made us go to the dollar theatre. All the showings were sold out though luckily because me and katie smelt and looked like crap! Well... that was our fun camping trip!!! =)