Friday, September 16, 2011

Bananas Birthday!

On May 13th, we celebrated the birth of Banana Marie Curzon. In order to do this, we planned a poker party. And James and Lorin baked her a cake. Now, this cake was no ordinary cake... It eats your face! as you can see from this picture:
Just kidding. but really.
This cake was four layers. each layer was a different flavor. and in between each layer was frosting. each layer of frosting was a different layer as well. The outside of this cake was epic. It had army men and dinosaurs roaming all over it!

He's explaining the rules. no one knows how to play.. you can guess you won..
THIS GIRL. just kidding. I didn't win. It got down to me kyle and paige, and i was so bored i just bet all my money on nothing. and lost. haha.

I have some EPIC videos from this and the next few days... but blogger won't let me upload videos for some reason. :(

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