Monday, October 5, 2009

Hiking the Y!

This guy told us to pose like this.
standing on the Y.
us with the view behind us.
we had just reached it and were pooped.
this is at the bottom of the trail. notice how we are all tired before we even start...
at the top. haha. our group.
One of Anna Marie's friends from FOL invited us to go hike the Y. We figured. eh, sure. why not? So we did. But we had to walk from campus just to get to the trail. Which is all up hill. And it sucked. And we went at like the hottest time of the day. and didn't really bring much water. But, I guess we can say we hiked the Y now. After, we went to some dance thingy. It was pretty fun...
sorry i'm so behind on the whole blogging thing. i'll try to get back on track.


Phil and Cami said...

Is it hard to hike the Y? Like could we hike it with the boys when I'm there, or would that be practically impossible?

Calli said...

yeahhhh... no. i honestly don't think that c.j. could make it. WE barely made it. It's pretty tough.. but for sure not caed. it's WAY too steep. maybe in a sling?