Thursday, March 29, 2012

Favorite Picture

This is one of my all time favorite pictures. And here's why:

1. It's a picture of my brother and I, which believe me, there are not very many of those.
2. He and I spent six years together without our other siblings around. I feel we became much closer in that time despite our age difference.
3. Even in our later years when we were actually friends, in all our pictures together we look like we don't like each other. (Even though we mainly just did it as a joke)
4. I love my brother so very much. And This picture is so full of love. (I love my other siblings just as much)
5. This is the FIRST picture taken that he actually likes me. In every other picture before this he seems very upset that I exist.

I love him so much! He is an amazing man. He is such a great example to me in all that he does. He really is amazing. I am so grateful to have such wonderful siblings.

1 comment:

Phil and Cami said...

You're a jerk! You made me cry! I don't like to cry at 8:30 in the morning! Here is a message from Caed. He loves you too. He like to cry at 8:30 in the morning....or anytime of day at that!
ZZbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbgtttttttttttttttttvffffffffffVbmxjjjjjjjnjnnnnnnnbrrwwqqqqqqqqqqqQQqQqQqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
And here is a message from CJ