Alright. So. One friday night. Anna Marie and I went out side to play basketball because the court was finally melted enough to play on half of it. While we were out there, some weird white stuff started falling. It was the weirdest stuff ever. I know what you all are thinking. snow. Ha. no. i mean, it was. but it wasn't. it made a sound. like hail. and it was very wet. like rain. and it looked kind of like those big salt things. it was very interesting. but anyways. we were hungry, so we ordered some pizza from legends. we couldn't decide what we wanted so heres how the convo went:
Legends: How can I help you today?
Anna Marie: Hi, I'd like to order a pizza.
L: ok. (gets all the info blahbetty blah) and what would you like on it?
AMC: Actually, could you just surprise us?
L: wait, really?
AMC: yes.
L: are you sure?
AMC: yes.
L: alright. will do. it will be ready in about 40 minutes.
YES! hahaha. but then we were afraid because we thought it would like be cheese. and cheese is so boring. But man, was it the longest 40 minutes ever! we were so excited to find out what we got!!! we finally got it. And it had everything. IT WAS AMAZING! and now. it's called surprise pizza. We ordeered it again the other day and someone asked what kind it was. we told them surprise pizza. haha.
After we ate our pizza, we went to the boys intramural basketball game from our ward. It was pretty fun. We got yelled at for being too roudy though. It was funny. After the game, we went to a campus event called The Event III. they had a dance, mariokart tourneys, quitar here tourneys, ping pong tourneys, beatles rock band tourneys, a blow up jousting thing, giant twister, board games, lazer tag, and kareoke. It was pretty fun... but Mark and I left early, cuz it got pretty boring after we did everything and we went and watched the princess bride.
Ian, Justin, Robert, and.... yeah. from my ward. singing boom boom pow.... you understand why i don't care for my ward and their immatureness?? haha. it was funny to watch though.
Anna Marie and I singing High School Musical. You can't really hear us too well.
The best one of all. Mark and Scott singing Magic Carpet from Aladdin....
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