My brother Dustin is such an amazing man. He has done so much. He does what he wants to do. It doesn't matter if other want him to or not. He dances to the beat of his own drum. He is so great. He is pursuing what he wants. He's always been an outdoor boy, and now, he lives and works in the mountains. Not only is he doing outdoor fun things like he's always loved, but he's also pursuing something else he has a passion for and is amazing at. He's cooking and catering. And he loves it!
Now, Dustin is the sibling that I'm prolly the furthest away from. And it makes me so sad. I know it's only because of the age difference. (10 years) But, I still wish we were closer. I love him to death. And sometimes, I feel it's awkward to let him know that. But if I could tell him one thing, it would be that I love him. When I was little, he was always so nice to me. I really honestly don't remember him ever being mean to me, now, maybe this is because I was too young to really remember, but what I remember of him is that he was so nice to me. I remember hanging out with him and his friends and they never really kicked me out. One memory, that I really love is that one day, mom and dad left to go out and he was stuck babysitting me. I was upstairs playing Nintendo when he walked in the room and put his head on my shoulder. I was like, dude! what are you doing!!! and he said, mom and dad told me to keep an eye on you!!!! hahaha. he had his eye on my shoulder so he was just obeying what they told him to do! I also remember him walking and running down the halls like a crazy person when he was babysitting me. I was like umm.... why? and he was just like, what if we all walked and ran like ostriches???? hahahhaah. He is just so funny!!!!!!! I remember watching him repell out Derek's window, but they never made me leave. Maybe it was because I would go tattle, but, I feel it was because he loved me and he was sharing it with me. I remember going shopping with him. Just me and him. People thought he was my dad. We laughed for a while about it. I remember dropping him off at college. I was so sad. Things were so weird without him there. I remember lying in bed one night listening to the radio and someone called in that was about Cami's age, she talked about how she had a younger brother and a younger sister and their older brother was leaving for college. She talked about how hard it was for them. I remember looking over to make sure it wasn't my sister calling in. But, I also remember crying myself to sleep because she sounded so sad. I knew that my brother was gone. And I missed him. I am so lucky to have him as a brother. He is so great. I love him so much.
Alright. next.
Alright. Cami and I are the best of friends now. She is always there for me whenever I need her. I know that I can call her up when things are just going terrible for me and she'll be there to hold me up and to lift my spirits up, no matter how down they are. I am so thankful for her. She is such a blessing in my life. I know that when we were kids we didn't get along. like. at all. But let's face it, what sisters get along their whole lives and never fight? I think girls are genetically built to be so emotional that they just can't get along with each other until they hit a certain point. When we were kids, we just didn't really get along. But, even though we fought alot, we still had some great times. I remember cleaning our room together. We'd play games to get it done. I remember when we were "mommy cleaning" and we went to clean under the dressers and she pulled out a dead fish with a missing eye. oh goodness. It was so gross. We have so many fun memories together. I remember her giving me baths and talking about my snoopy belly. I also remember watching Babes and Toyland with her one night. We just have random memories that go on and on and on and on. I remember when we dropped her off at college. I didn't realize that I was going to miss her so much. We became pen pals. I lived for those letters. I loved getting them and writing her back. It was so much fun. And I really felt close to her.
My sister is such an amazing person. She has been through so much in her life, and I am just beginning to learn about all of it. She graduated college in 3 years. It was so great. She is a teacher and she is so great at it. I hope that I can be even half as a good of a teacher as she is. She is also such a great wife and mom. I am learning so much about how to be a good wife and mother just by watching her. She truly is my best friend. I know that we can talk about anything and everything. She has gotten me through so much, so so so so stinkin much. And now that I'm in college, she's there even more for me. I remember one night last semester after crying myself to sleep for weeks over my friends, she just called me out of the blue, just to tell me that she loved me. I needed it so badly. And we just talked for so long. I actually was sitting in the Cannon Center lobby crying with her over the phone. I hadn't been able to really talk to anyone about anything that had been happening, and she was there. After that night, I felt so much better about everything. Now, we talk on the phone at least once a week. We talk about everything. I tell her all of my problems and she helps me with them. I love her so much and she is such a blessing to me.
Now on to my closest sibling.
Derek: Alright. Derek and I are the closest in age. Which means, we've probably bonded the most out of the rest of my siblings. Derek and I have had some great times together. We have so many memories. Today, when I was texting him, I thought about how I miss playing video games with him. Such a dumb memory, right? But we used to play video games all the time. It didn't matter if I sucked at them, he would still play them with me. I remember playing resident evil till way late at night. It was a pretty scary game, so after he played, he always made sure that we watched a fun happy movie together before going to bed. He's such a sweet person like that! He knew that video game would give me nightmares and so he did all he could to make sure that wouldn't happen. We would fall asleep everynight watching a funny movie. What brother would really play video games with his little sister? Since I sucked, we would always be on the same team, we would play games like capture the flag on golden eye, or we would play diddy kong racing. I loved playing games with him. I felt like we were bonding and I was being like my older brother. The other day, Mark and I found some lemon juice, and it reminded me of when Derek and I would make up these strange concoctions and drink them. They usually consisted of Lemonaide and Limeaide. I think he was just trying to make lemonaide with that grost lemon stuff. haha. But i loved doing it with him. I loved just hanging out with him.
He's such a great guy. He is so sweet and caring. He loves everybody and would do anything for them. He has found his eternal companion and they are just so perfect for each other. They are amazing together. she is such a sweetheart and she is so lucky to have my brother for a husband. He is the most amazing guy I know, and I know that I want to marry someone just like him. I love him.
Now on the the parental units...
My dad is the most amazing guy you will ever meet. He is so funny. He is so caring. He is just AMAZING. I love him to death!!!! He works such long hours at a job that he absolutely HATES. and why does he do that? So that he can take care of all of us. He loves us so much that he wants to be able to provide for us all. He is so great.
He is the guy that is going to make you laugh, whether you want to or not. He will do it. He had the corniest jokes but when he tells them, you can't help but laugh! He cares so much for all of us. He would do anything in the world for us. He is so great. His blessings are amazing. They help me every single time. He is so great. I know that he is always there for me. I can call him up at 3 in the morning if I really need, and he would talk to me. He is a wonderful man and I am so thankful for him and all that he does. I love him!
And. last but not least. the momster.
Mom:My mom. There is so much to be said about her. She truly is amazing. She's survived breast cancer not once, but twice. And she is still kickin'! She is such an amazing woman. She is so kind and considerate of others. She truly cares for everyone. I know we haven't really gotten along too well, but in some ways, that makes me happy. Because the reason we don't get along is that we are exactly like each other. And I am so proud to be just like my mom. She is so great. She truly wants me to succeed in all that I do. She is always cleaning. She loves to have a clean house. And I've always gotten that it is because the spirit can only dwell in a clean house. I love that she loves the gospel. I've seen her sad because others have not accepted it or have rejected it. I know how much the gospel means to her. I watched her read her scriptures and say her prayers everysingle night. I don't remember ever watching her not do it. Even when we were on vacations. She still read and prayed. She has taught me so much of the gospel. I have learned to love the gospel because of her example. I love that I can just sit on the phone with her and not even talk. I asked her why it was once, and she says, sometimes, I know you guys just need to know that someone is there. It made me so happy. She is so great. Whenever I talk to her, she can just tell that something is wrong. Even if i sound happy, she says, calli, what's wrong? She just knows. I love this about her. I remember her once telling me that she wouldn't live to see me graduate. I cried myself to sleep that night. I went to school the next day and talked to my best friend about it and cried some more. I am so happy that she has lived to see me graduate. And I believe that she will continue to live and see me graduate from college, and let's face it guys, that could be forever away. I cannot wait to be a mother so that I can follow in her footsteps. I also can't wait for her to be my children's grandmother. She is so great with CJ and Caed. She is just so amazing in every way. I'm so thankful to have her as my mother. I love her so much.
I'm going to post my friend in a different post.... cuz blogs are too difficult to manage.....
`sniff` thanks cal. i second every single word here. i love you so much!!!!!
I enjoyed reading this a lot. I love your family and you!!
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