And now on to my besties. :)
Anna Marie:



He's going to kill me for putting this picture up. But I love it and think it is so funny. Mark. Mark. Mark. Mark. Mark is my best friend up here at BYU. And it's been that way since day one. After our first dance here at BYU, we've been best friends. We hung out pretty much everyday this summer. We would play cards or ninja, or soccer, or even just talk. He is there for me no matter what. I know that if I needed to, I could call him in the middle of the night to just talk. We've had many late night text convos talking about anything and everything. Sure, we've had rough patches, but who hasn't? He can't stay mad at me for more than 5 minutes. And I love that about him. He can't stay mad at anyone really. He's just a loving, caring person. One time, he texted me super late while I was in Omaha, it was about 5 my time. When I woke up, I felt terrible for not answering. I'm sure that if I had done that to him, he would've answered in a heartbeat. He is such an amazing guy. Since the fall semester started we have been together pretty much 24/7. I am literally a part of their family in the apartment. I am there whenever he is... and even when he's not. :) There have been many times that I have been talking to him and not even said that anything has upset me, and he would just say out of the blue, Calli, I think you need a blessing. I'm going to get you one. This year when I was so sick that all I could do was cry in bed, he got a group of boys to come and give me a blessing. He is so great. I remember one time, when I was upset when we were hanging out with our friends, he took me outside just me and him and we just sat on the curb in silence. I finally just started bawling. He had no idea what was wrong but he was there to sit with me and just hold me. I know that I haven't been there for him as much as I should have. And I wish I could take all those times back. He's always been here for me. He's never ever walked away from me or given up on me. Last semester when I found out that Ira was in the hospital, he skipped class to come down and comfort me. He was so willing to take me to Salt Lake to visit him in the hospital. Mark is one of the most caring, considerate people I know. I always wonder why he's mine, why do I get to have him as my best friend? I don't feel like I deserve him. We talk about anything and everything. I don't think I've been closer to anyone my entire life. He is the most amazing person I have ever met and is such an example to me. I wish I could be as great as he is. He makes me want to strive to be a better person. I am so thankful to have him in my life. He is such an amazing person. I love him so much!!!!! :)
do you realize you wrotr twice as much about mark as you did your two other best friends? I liked it. mark seems really great. I would love to get to meet him one you realize I've never had to threaten to come kick him in the shins? that's good.
love the moustach. btw.
hahaha. no.. i didn't actually notice that, cuz i never really LOOKED at it... whoopss.. now i feel bad.. haha. i just had so much to say!!! you WILL meet him. do not worry. and i know that you will LOOOOOVE him!!! he fits right in with our family. he's so goofy. just like us. and i don't think you'll have to come kick him. ever. he's too nice for that. lol.
p.s. YAY FOR COMMENTS!!!!!!! :D
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