I just wanted to tell everyone how much I love my sister. If you hadn't realized this before. She is seriously the most amazing person ever! (other than my parents) I am so lucky and so thankful to have her as MY sister. She's all mine. I suppose now I have to share, with her husband, and her kids, and my new sister Lianne, who by the way is also very amazing. But, even though i have to share her. I still claim her as mine. I wouldn't trade her for the world. She means everything to me. I really don't know what I would do without her. She just always makes me smile and makes everything alright. If something is wrong, I know I can count on her. She is always just a phone call or text away. I'm so thankful that I live closer to her now. But i do wish i lived even closer. I would love to be able to see her everyday. She is truly my best friend, and I know that I will never EVER lose her, no matter what.
I LOVE YOU CAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
You made me cry. I love you so much! I think I have the best sister in the world!
How do I get my kids to feel that way about each other??? So sweet.
A post I will never be able to write. Unless, of course, I substitute "brother" for "sister." But you're very right, family is the best.
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