Aight. SO, we had a flag football game. We decided to do the whole black under our eyes to make us more intimidating so that maybe, just MAYBE we would win. or at least get a touchdown. but. it didn't work. After the game. we came home, and I had a package of YUMMI food and fun stuff on my door ! from my sister! It was amazing. i was so excited! a while later, a knock comes to the door, and i open it, and it's cassi!!!! we chilled for a few hours before she finished her trip back home from vegas. I HAVE THE BEST SISTER IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD!!! [note the trend] :)
Denver 2010
14 years ago
I told her she couldn't beat you up. As is the norm you all don't listen to me. Next time share those treats. Maybe next year you will win a game, just be proud of yourself for playing.
she didn't beat me up. she just attacked me. and tickled me. she said she wasn't allowed to beat you up. i DID share them!!!! and one day, i picked up the envelope full of candy, adn there was two things left in it. anna marie ate all of it! i only got a reeses!!!
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