So, for mark's birthday, we went to play lazer tag. It was fun. But, he said that we all have to dress up like gangsters. Hahaha. it was so embarrassing. The lazer tag arena was so scary! It was a maze. And there were some places that I refused to go! It was that scary! Joe was beating up on me. He shot me like 22 times? and Mark shot me like 5. haha. so joe was totally after me!!! :( anna marie and I teamed up. but i accidentally shot her once. I thought she was mark. It was fun. The guy that owns the place is super nice and funny too! It was great.
After, we went to mcdonalds for a sundae. Yum yum! I had an ice cream cone. delish! yup. and we just sat and talked. fun stuff.
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