Also on sunday, after lunch and church, Joe and I went for a walk. We walked over to the temple. The provo temple is so beautiful! At first, I thought it was so weird looking. But the grounds are just beautiful! I loved it! While we were there, there were so many missionaries!! They were everywhere, and they just kept coming! Kyle says it's because the temple is their only escape from the MTC. I wish I would've brought my camera! =( oh well. Well, we missed dinner, so we went to Joe's old girlfriends house. They cooked us dinner and we played games. We had lemon chicken and it was so good!!!! We also had these amazing potatoes. And martinellis. And then cantolope. Cantolope smells so amazing! But tastes so gross. We played Farkle and Hearts. It was way fun! Their house is so cute and homey! Once again, I didn't have my camera. (we didn't go home after the temple.) But oh well.
this is a picture of dear on the side of the road. I SWEAR THEY ARE THERE!!!
Monday... hmmm. I studied at the library and worked on a final project for english. and then for dinner went to taco bell. We went to star trek i believe? and it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday...studied allllll day. And then went to Sundance, to one of Joseph's highschool friends house for a BBQ. I got to see eric again! (He went on the campout with us.) It was way fun. The girl actually lives next to Brad Pitt? (i think that's who). but he's not living there right now sadly. Their house was exactly like a cabin. it was pretty much amazing!!!
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