alright. SO, last friday night was a night I had been anticipating for many weeks. The time had finally come, my date with Joseph had arrived! He picked me up and we were off. He decided that I needed to experience the many things Provo has to offer! haha. So, we first went to Cafe Rio. It's kinda like chipotle and Qdoba, except a bajillion times better!!!!!! I took that first bite and my mouth was so confused! there were so many flavors! It was delicious! I got the pork burrito and joe got the pork salad. they have lime ranch. AMAZING!!!! we stayed there for a while and just talked. After a while, we were ready for dessert. He took me to the fro zone! It was delicious! Then we just sat in a parking lot and talked. after a while, the police pulled up. Neither of us turned around to look. we just sat there. soon, there was a flashlight shining in our eyes. apparently, there is an 11 o'clock curfew for 17 year olds and there had been alot of freshman getting caught. So, we were lucky we were 18. And also i guess we were on BYU property, even though we were a few blocks away. and there is a midnight curfew on campus. SO, we got a warning. It was dumb.
Denver 2010
14 years ago
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