Unfortunately I suck at blogging..... so obviously I didn't get my list done before the new year.... or even close....
Well, today's post is about three legitimate fears of mine and how they became fears.
1. I am honestly afraid of the dark. I have no idea how it came about. I always have been. I even make TJ wait until my feet are on the bed before he can turn out the light every night. I am pathetic!!!! I don't know how I'm going to handle it when I have kids!
2. I am scared of being alone. No matter if it's day or night, I will find things that scare the crap out of me just because I'm alone. I will hear noises that make me think people are in my apartment. Taking a shower while I'm alone is creepy. Most the time, I will wait until TJ gets home at like five to shower... once again... I am pathetic. I am convinced that a ghost lives in our apartment with us. I'm serious. Also, I still am afraid of my imaginary friend Harry the bigfoot...... I think that's why I'm afraid of being alone. I made myself afraid. P.S. I believe Big Foot is real. I always wonder if I would be afraid of him if I ran into him....
3. Ghosts. I believe that they are real. I used to tell myself they weren't real... but then I thought, I would rather have an experience and believe them then have an experience and be forced to believe. Really, I believe because my parents have stories about ghosts. And if you know my parents, you know that they are telling the truth. So, of course, I am scared of them. I hate being is scary places. Especially when it's dark. I try not to be afraid of ghosts. Because I also want to believe that they are friendly... just misunderstood...
Well those are my fears... Sorry that it isn't very well written, I'm super obsessed with Pretty Little Liars and HAVE to watch it at all times.
Denver 2010
14 years ago
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