being heroic i suppose...

he likes to eat me alot......


ew. i don't like this one. i don't know why i put it up.

he refused to peck me. because i had lip gloss on....

this is one of my favorites.

alli said. "look excited! you're with calli!" and this is he face.


this is his redo of his exitement to be with me.

eh. if we were holding hands it'd be cute.



he also tried standing on one leg.

he does this to me all the time....

getting out of a dip.



i like this one.

yes. i can look prego... at least in the VERY early stages of being preggers.

walkin to the park.

i like this one alot alot alot

for some reason my hair looks dark brown red. i like it! too bad that's not really my hair color. the lighting is just uber strange.


gazing into each others eyes.
these are for you non-facebookers... *cough* mom and dad *cough*
Randomly, I was on Facebook long enough to see you posted these. So, I've already looked and commented there.
This comment is just for comment's sake.
haha. well this one is more for mom and dad. haha. :) BUT THANKS FOR THE COMMENT!!!!! i LOVE comments... but nobody but you comments. so i get excited when you do!!!
Great Pictures Calli! I love looking at your blog and seeing how you are enjoying college. Come and visit sometime!
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