We decided we wanted to go to a Haunted House. We heard the Haunted Forest was like one of the scariest haunted houses ever. I know people that peed their pants because they were so scared. Well... It was scary for Dill and Anna Marie. But Topher and I just thought it was funny. We were laughing the whole way through. I think i screamed MAYBE twice? And we were there for a good three hours. But it was really funny seeing other people get so scared. And it was great fun to scare other people. Topher and I got bored so we started making creeping noises, like breathing and laughing and stuff. This chick in front of us turned around and was like, if you want to work here so bad, why don't you just apply??? and her boyfriend dude turned around and pounded it with us. He thought it was hilarious. It was way fun!!!!! The only thing I didn't like is that there was a guy with a blow torch and he was putting it on our feet!!!! He skipped over Anna Marie and Dillon because she was wearing flip flops. Lucky. Oh, and there was a dark dark hall, and the wall shocked you when you touched it. but it was pitch black, so you HAD to touch it in order to find your way out!!!! :( I loved it. I LOVE haunted houses. I think it would be so much fun to work at one!!! OH, and I'm no longer afraid of chainsaws because of it!!! YES!!! finally!!!
Denver 2010
14 years ago
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