Sunday, September 20, 2009


at the girls soccer game!!!
the game.
me and mark
i got gum on my pants. and anna marie is mom, so she got it off for me.
playing rootbeer pong.
my turn.
anna marie refusing to spin and participate.
We went to the girls soccer game, and were planning on going clubbing afterwards, but since mark isn't 18 and he didn't have any plans, we figured we would wait to go. So, we decided to play root beer pong. just to say we've played it. Oh man. It made us sick! that's alot of root beer to drink! And, to make it like the real thing, we had to spin for a minute with each cup that we drank! It was fun though. and now we can say we've played! But i will never EVER play again!!! ANY kind of pong!!

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