Alright. So, on thursday night, we were off to go camping!!! we didn't get there until like eleven though. LONG story. we also lost more than half our group. So we ended up with just five of us. Which was SUPER fun!! We went to a place called Payson Lakes. When we got there, the only camp that was open was a double one. So we just decided to take it, because we had come all that way. We couldn't just leave!!! So, we set up camp. We used gasoline to make the fire. We just put the gas in and threw a napkin on fire in it. It exploded and was super awesome! after we set up camp, we roasted hotdogs and played a game, well, not a game. We just had a bunch of questions and each said our answer. It was super in depth and was great to get to know each other. Joe and Katie fell asleep, so we decided to just all go to sleep. Eric and I stayed up star gazing. The next morning, eric and I once again got up. while everyone was sleeping. After a few hours, we just started throwing stuff at them to wake them up. After they woke up, we played Chubby Bunny. Then phase ten. After packing up, we went to the lake. They had this dock, that was like 10 feet out of the water. So we all jumped out. I really didn't want to do because i hate heights and water. But they talked me into it, and it was so much fun! after that, we drove back. Then me, katie and joe went to a park and had a picknik. We swung on the swings. and had a hand stand competition. On our way back, Joe made us go to the dollar theatre. All the showings were sold out though luckily because me and katie smelt and looked like crap! Well... that was our fun camping trip!!! =)
Denver 2010
14 years ago
That looks like fun. Are you guys aloud to go camping like that? BYUI+camping with the opposite, unmarried sex=no no!
actually. it's against the honor code.... HA! oh well!
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