Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Blood Drive!
Double Date Night!!! =)
Joe with helium.
So, Katie had yet to go on a date. So I decided we were going to go on one. So we went through the guys in our ward and decided who we wanted to take. We planned the date and were very excited! I made a huge list of what we could do on the date. We decided a scavenger hunt. We looked through a bunch of scavenger hunts online. We liked one where we didn't have to actually gather things. We just had to take pictures with different things. It was so much fun! Porter and I got all but like 3 of them. We rocked! And totally won!!! After the scavenger hunt, we took them to Sammy's. It was deliscious! Porter and I shared a Banana Cream Pie Shake. It was so good!!!!!! Before we left, we had a dance party. We took Porter back to his home because he had to study. We recruited Kendrick to be my fake date for the rest of the night. We went to Walmart and played the A-Z game. There are two teams. Each team picks out an item for each letter of the alphabet. Then you switch carts and the other team has to put it all back! It's really difficult!!! But, Kendrick and I got bored and just started playing around. We dropped Kendrick off and talked for a looooooong time..... And then Katie realized she lost her keys. We searched everywhere. So I gave her the keys to my room. I let her sleep in my bed for a few hours until Cebre woke up. Joe and I talked until 8:30 in the morning! I went in and woke Katie up. We went and talked to Cebre. And guess what? Our janitor took our master key. So we walk over to the Cannon center to get a key. They don't open until 1 on Sundays!!!! All of our things were in Katie's room because I practically live in there. So we watched a movie instead of going to church. And eventually fell asleep. Can you believe Katie and I both fit on the bed?! Comfortably I might add! Well. Around 5, we went to go get an extra key. And since we were there, we decided to eat because we didn't want vending machine food once again. So, We start walking there, and half our ward walks in! So we run out and check the mail, hoping they will be in by the time we get back. We hid until they all got in and then went in. We tried to avoid them. But Jon caught us. We ran away and sat in a corner by ourselves. We were so embarrassed by how we looked! After dinner, we went back to our room. And find Katies keys in the lock!!!! WHAT THE HECK!?!?! We have no idea how the happened. But anyways. We are just chilling in our room and Joe comes over. We watched youtube videos for a while and after getting kicked out for having a boy in our room, we left and played phase ten. And that is the end of the weekend!!! =)