Many people in our group of friends like to eat sushi.... so once in a while we all go out for sushi. There are some, such as Careena and I that just go to hang out. and only get drinks. haha. At this particular time, we got to use the party room upstairs because they were too full to fit us downstairs! it was pretty cool. And it made me feel a little better because our group is a little rowdy some times. So since we were by ourselves it was ok! :)

on the left from front to back: Me, Emily, TJ, Kyler. right from front to back: Lorin, Careen, Lauren, Danielle

we got our sushi on a boat! it was super awesome!

after sushi we went to the pedestrian bridge. lauren, danielle and jared were all walking in step together.

all of us except me on the bridge. from left to right: emily, danielle, careena, lauren, kyler, jared, tj,, lorin