first time making a list on our arms.

first time making may day baskets in october.

may day baskets for the australians and brittains.

first time buying a lottery ticket.

she won 6 times!!!! a hundred bucks baby!

carmel apple smile. we picked up the apple and this is what we revealed!

first time making caramel apples!
we had a night of firsts!!! it was fun! best part, convo with jenny, it went something like this:
Jenny: (scratching ticket) so.... can it be any football? or like, a certain one?
Me: a football is a football jenny.
Jenny: soo.... if I had like say, 6 footballs, I would win all of those prizes?
Me: Yes, all the footballs are prizes.
Jenny: then, I just won a hundred bucks.
Me: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!
JUMP UP AND DOWN SCREAMING!!!! and BACK to the gas station we went! for the third time! hahahahahahahaha. good night. :)